Waiting for doing stuff

Yesterday there was a CR (not for my own stuff) started from 10pm and we were waiting till 6am somewhere got chance to do my related stuff, waiting for 8 hours just sit there, that’s not fun at all! It’s wasting time. So next time better to have your own CR to do your stuff.

AIX cron jobs format

While you need to let server schedule something you can use built-in conn jobs to complete this requirement easily. Below just a sample cron jobs format explanation.


minute hour day_of_month month weekday command
minute 0 through 59
hour 0 through 23
day_of_month 1 through 31
month 1 through 12
weekday 0 through 6 for Sunday through Saturday
command a shell command


30 * * * * do_every_half_an_hour.sh
* 1 * * * do_at_1am_daily.sh
* * 1 * * do_at_first_day_of_each_month.sh
* * * 1 * do_at_every_jan.sh
* * * * 0 do_at_every_sunday.sh